Item: WB Looney Tunes Stained Glass Lamp
Input: Developed concept, design and worked with overseas factories to produce licensed item that was an exclusive feature product for wbstore.com.
Product was featured online and in the Warner Bros. Studio Store consumer catalog. Item sold out.

Item: Official Licensed Retail Product - USPS
Input: Created concept, design and development of collectible framed artwork celebrating the release of the new 42¢ postage stamp, "Take Me Out To The Ball Game." Included new stamp and vintage canceled postage stamps featuring baseball themes. Generated over $250,000 in sales revenue with nearly 10,000 sold nationally in post offices and web.

Item: Framed Sports Collectible - NCAA Auburn Tigers
Input: Created layout and development of framed piece using NCAA/CLC licensed images in the artwork. Part of a series of 11 college teams offered in the product line. Also sourced printing. Product was carried in sports stores and specialty retailers.

Item: NCAA Collectible Magnets and Packaging
Input: Developed packaging concept, designs and worked with overseas manufacturer, and CLC, to produce vintage-style shrink-wrap card and NCAA dimensional sports magnets (using licensed artwork for the magnet images).
Packaging also featured historical footnotes on the reverse for each magnet included. 11 teams and packages completed. Product was carried in sports stores, specialty retailers and catalogs.

tem: CosmoGirl and Seventeen branded lighting.
Input: Developed concepts, designs and worked with overseas factories to produce licensed decorative lighting category to coordinate with magazines' bedding program. Items were picked up by national retailers such as JCPenney, Sears, Linens-N-Things, JoAnn Fabrics and others. Crush Accent Lamp was a back-to-school product featured in a USA Today article (click here to view).

Item: The New York Times Framed Liberty Collectible
Input: Developed concept, design and layout for a feature piece to commemorate the reopening of Lady Liberty's crown.
A reprint of the 1886 New York Times cover is the centerpiece of the artwork.
Limited edition 1886 Silver Liberty Dollar and classic liberty stamps were featured. A special frame backing was created to view the reverse side of the coin as well as a historic reprint cachet.

Item: Kennedy Bros. / Ted Kennedy Commemorative - FC Mint and HSN
Input: Designed concept, layout and development, under partnership with collectible coin manufacturer, using a combination of their commemorative coins and sourced vintage stamps.

Item: History of Military Uniforms Collection (Licensed)
Input: Worked with illustrator to develop images highlighting notable eras in the US Military, detailing the respective uniforms of each branch. Developed layouts, which included vintage postage stamps, for each branch of the US Military and secured licensed approvals. A popular series carried by catalogs and specialty stores.

Item: Michael Jackson Commemorative - FC Mint and Michael Jackson Estate
Input: One of several concepts designed from individual images provided by the estate, under partnership with a collectible coin manufacturer. Series of assorted coins were provided in creation of the final piece.

Item: New York Times - Lincoln Framed Collectible
Input: Designed concept, layout and development under request from New York Times, using a combination of their collectible coins and related vintage stamps. Centerpiece of print was a Times archive Lincoln photograph and readable reprint of the Times' March 5, 1861 front page reporting the inauguration. Included cachet on back.

Item: Board Game Prototype
Input: Worked with local game developer to create concept, graphics, logo, and contents for board game. Sourced prototype and developed packaging and marketing materials to present to prospective retailer and manufacturers.

Item: Coca-Cola Brand Lighting
Input: Developed concepts, design and prototyping of accent and novelty lighting under Coca-Cola license. Introduced neons, wall lights and new stained-glass styles for semi-annual trade shows and select retailers.